Some Insurance You Have To Know
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Mortgage insurance: Mortgage Insurance provide the necessary coverage to the lender if because of unavoidable circumstances you are unable to pay instalments.
MILIFE Insurance understands our client’s requirements and then suggests an insurance plan that suits their financial history, limitations, and budget.
Our experienced advisors guide you in getting the best mortgage rates by helping you in increasing your credit scores.
Life insurance: Life is full of uncertainties and by proper planning, you can be prepared for them.
Insurance solutions secure you financially if you purchase the right insurance at the right time.
MILIFE Insurance is experienced and trusted insurance broker. We work intending to provide the most suitable insurance solutions that meet your needs and budget. We try to simplify the process for you and stand by your side at the time of claim filling as well. There are different types of Life Insurance plans available that will help you in getting insurance despite medical issues.
MILIFE Insurance is dealing with different types of life insurance policies and our insurance experts will customize Life Insurance plans depending on your health conditions and the coverage you need. Investing in Life Insurance provides you and your family financial security. Apart from a lifetime of financial safety, Life insurance also helps you save and earn cash benefits
MILIFE Insurance offers Life Insurance plans that are most suitable for you providing comprehensive coverage at affordable rates.
Critical illness insurance: Critical illnesses are life-threatening diseases that impose a lot of mental as well as financial stress.
Critical Illness Insurance will provide a lump-sum amount that will help you and your family in the time you need it the most.
MILIFE Insurance will provide you with the best coverage that too within your budget.
Registered Education Savings Plans: Registered Education Savings Plans is a registered savings account that helps you save and grow wealth with time.
The minimum amount you need to open an RESP account is $25 per month and then you can gradually increase your contribution as per your budget.
MILIFE agents can help you manage your contribution and investment in a better way and you can get the maximum CESG grant possible.
Don’t let the financial crunch limit your child’s ambitions. Registered Education Savings Plan helps you save for your child’s education.
RESP is registered with the Canadian government and helps you save specifically for a child’s education.
There are different types of RESP accounts available. MILIFE financial advisors will help you open the right RESP and make the most out of your RESP account.
Travel insurance: Travel insurance provides necessary coverage that will help you save money in case of any unexpected situation. Travel Insurance offer different coverages. Trip cancellation or rescheduling is also covered depending upon the plan you choose.
MILIFE have years of experience in this sector and our agents suggest the most suitable coverage depending upon the trip you are planning. You can get quotes and compare them on our website.
Visitor insurance: Medical services in Canada are very expensive and you will not be covered by your domestic health insurance while you are in Canada.
Visitor Insurance makes sure that you are financially covered in case you face any medical emergency. At MILIFE, we suggest coverages depending upon your trip requirements and budget. Visitor Insurance can help you save thousands of Canadian dollars on medical bills. Be financially safe with Visitor Insurance.
Super visa insurance: As per the new update made in the Super Visa policy Parents/Grandparents of a Canadian resident or permanent citizen can stay in Canada for a minimum of 5 years continuously instead of 2 years and after that can apply to extend their stay further.
Super Visa Insurance makes sure that your parents/grandparents are medically covered in case of any health emergency during their stay in Canada. We help you find the best option available to suit your medical needs and budget.